146:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 33. 33 KIRA as she passes Quark's, FRITZING more LIGHTS, MORN and a handful of CUSTOMERS retreat from the entrance and take cover. 34 SISKO as she approaches. Kira comes to a stop before them, the WIND swirling around her. She ignores everyone but Sisko. When she speaks, there is a STRANGELY AFFECTED QUALITY to her voice. KIRA/PROPHET You... are the Sisko. A couple of Odo's Deputies instinctively drop their hands to their holstered weapons. SISKO Keep your hands off your weapons. (turning back to face Kira) It's a Prophet. Why have you taken this woman's body? The Kai and the other Bajorans react with a mixture of wonder and fear. KIRA/PROPHET This vessel is willing. The Reckoning. It is time. Sisko, Odo, and the Kai struggle to assimilate this as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE