DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 32. 29 CONTINUED: ODO I think we've found the source of the power fluctuations. Sisko gives him a quizzical look and Odo nods down the Promenade toward... 30 KIRA (OPTICAL) She's standing in the doorway to the Bajoran Shrine, her EYES unnaturally BRIGHT. Her hair is disheveled and BLOWN by the BREEZE, which seems to emanate from her somehow. Her body has a hint of luminescence about it. Her head is cocked at an odd angle, as if she can hear something we cannot. INTERMITTENT BLUISH ENERGY DISCHARGES emerge from the doorway and disappear into her body, as if she's drawing power from her very surroundings. The CROWD on the Promenade is giving her a wide berth. People are in small clusters at either end, others peer cautiously out of shop windows. ODO When I tried to talk to her, she ignored me. Odo's clearly pained and deeply concerned -- 31 KIRA The energy flowing into her body has stopped. She cocks her head, looks in their direction. She turns and walks toward them at a deliberate pace. As she moves, the STATION LIGHTS nearest her FRITZ. She passes... 32 A DESERTED KIOSK Some glass bottles on its counter VIBRATE and then SHATTER.