DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT THREE 31. 28 CONTINUED: (2) The Kai is struck by Sisko's faith in her gods, but she can't see her way to admitting it. WINN There's no need for a leap of faith, Emissary. The Prophets have made themselves quite clear. Two-thirds of the Rakantha wheat harvest has been destroyed by floods. Earthquakes have devastated Kendra Province, leaving hundreds homeless. Bajorans are suffering because of you. They're paying the price for your act of sacrilege. As if to emphasize her words, the LIGHTS IN THE ROOM DIM and the MONITORS FLICKER. This time, they don't recover, and the room stays dark. Sisko is reaching for his combadge, when Odo's voice comes over the com system. ODO'S COM VOICE (through static) Odo to Captain Sisko. SISKO Go ahead. ODO'S COM VOICE You'd better come down to the Promenade, Sir. SISKO Is there a problem? ODO'S COM VOICE I'll let you be the judge of that. Off Sisko's face as he takes this in... 29 INT. PROMENADE Sisko and the Kai ENTER from the turbolift opposite Security to find Odo and FOUR DEPUTIES looking down the Promenade. The LIGHTS here are also DIMMED, as if competing with something else for power. The monitors all show STATIC. Strangely, a LIGHT BREEZE blows through the Promenade, causing the BANNERS hanging from the ceiling to flutter softly.