DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/23/98 - ACT TWO 22E. 19A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'll see what I can do. Sisko EXITS, leaving Dax to her work. 19BB INT. OPS Kira's at the table; Supernumeraries at their posts. Sisko ENTERS through one of the doors under the viewscreen. KIRA Captain, I've got a message for you from General Martok. SISKO Go ahead. KIRA He's dispatched three squadrons of Klingon attack cruisers to bolster the defense perimeter around the Dorala System. SISKO Good. I just hope they can hold out until Starfleet can send reinforcements. KIRA The Klingons will hold out. Martok will see to that. Sisko nods, rubs his tired eyes. KIRA Long day? SISKO They keep getting longer. KIRA You'll feel better in the morning. Off Sisko's look. KIRA Once the Kai is off the station.