DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - ACT TWO 22-22C 19 CONTINUED: (3) And with that, she turns and takes her leave. Off Sisko's face as he watches her go. 19A INT. SCIENCE LAB Sisko watches as Dax studies the tablet, checking the inscriptions against a PADD in her hand. DAX You're sending it back? (wry) I was just starting to have fun. SISKO You're not off the hook, old man. I still want those inscriptions translated. Dax figured this was coming -- DAX (nods) I can work off the holo-recordings I took yesterday. SISKO (eyeing the tablet) Have you made any more progress? (off her nod) Good news or bad? DAX That depends. SISKO On what? DAX (indicating the tablet) What this ideogram means. The computer's giving me two possibilities. SISKO Let's hear them. DAX During the Reckoning, the Bajorans are either going to "suffer horribly," or... "eat fruit." SISKO Eat fruit?