DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 4. 4 INT. CHAMBER Koral switches on the portable TUBE LIGHTS along the floor. Like the tunnels, the ceiling is braced with BEAMS. Sections of the wall that once framed this room are visible through the sediment. In the center of one wall, an ancient stone TABLET is embedded in the stone. Kira and Jake follow Sisko into the room, and Koral leads them over to the tablet. It's a vertical limestone oval, similar in shape to the symbol of Bajor on the temple entrance on DS9. KORAL It's over thirty thousand years old... Jake is less than thrilled, but Sisko looks closely at the tablet, which displays passages composed of ancient Bajoran RUNES. Parts of the inscription have been broken away or obscured by erosion and cracks. SISKO These inscriptions, they look similar to ancient Bajoran, but I can't quite make them out. KORAL Until recently, we couldn't either. But we've been able to piece together some rudimentary translations. He points to a vertical strip of characters on the far right. KORAL The syntax is unusual, but all forms of Bajoran share certain root-ideograms. (taps one of them) You may recognize this one. Sisko leans in to get a better look. SISKO Welcome...