DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Reckoning" - REV. 3/9/98 - TEASER 1C. 1 INT. EXCAVATION TUNNEL Ranjen KORAL, an old but vigorous Bajoran monk, leads Sisko, Kira and JAKE down a gloomy passageway cut through layers of reddish-brown SEDIMENT. The passage is lit every so often with makeshift LIGHTS, but there are nowhere near enough to make their PALM BEACONS unnecessary. Support BEAMS line the ceiling and the rough contours of the walls. Although a deeply religious man, Koral wears the practical work clothes of a veteran archaeologist. KORAL (glancing back at Sisko) I can't tell you how pleased we are by your visit, Emissary. SISKO I'm happy to be here, Ranjen. KORAL There's no need to keep calling me "Ranjen." I'm a simple monk. My order is quite informal. SISKO You've certainly been busy. The last time I visited these ruins, none of these tunnels had been cut yet. KORAL It's been a great deal of work, but we do it gladly. Excavating the Holy City is a privilege. Our efforts are an expression of our faith in the Prophets... and in the Emissary. Sisko accepts this with a gracious nod. Kira and Jake follow several paces behind. Kira notices that Jake is studying his father closely.