DEEP SPACE NINE: "His Way" - REV. 2/20/98 - ACT FIVE 45. 60 NEW ANGLE as Kira sees Odo emerge from the Security Office. Kira gets up to leave. KIRA You're absolutely right. (a beat) It makes perfect sense... DAX Don't tell me you're having another moment of clarity? KIRA (smiling) That's two in two days. DAX Amazing. And as Kira reaches a decision -- 61 INT. PROMENADE Odo is on the move as Kira comes up behind him. KIRA Odo -- wait. ODO Major, if you don't mind, I'd like to forget all about the last night. KIRA I don't think that's a very good idea. We need to talk about what happened. ODO (still looking for a way out) Very well. We can meet in my office in an hour. KIRA (shaking her head) Let's discuss it over dinner. ODO Dinner?