DEEP SPACE NINE: "His Way" - REV. 2/20/98 - ACT FOUR 38. 50A CONTINUED: KIRA (agreeing) It's a little unusual. Odo notices that Kira hasn't touched her oysters. ODO Is something wrong? You haven't touched your food. KIRA (re: the oysters) It looks delicious, but I'm not really hungry. The truth is I'm a little nervous. ODO (surprised) You're nervous? KIRA A little. (smiling) I mean it is a first date, right? ODO Right. (a beat) There's nothing wrong with being a little nervous -- as long it doesn't get in the way. KIRA Of what? ODO Of enjoying yourself. Kira isn't used to hearing Odo talk this way. KIRA I thought the only thing you really enjoyed was your work. ODO How'd you know that? KIRA (puzzled) You told me yourself.