DEEP SPACE NINE: "His Way" - REV. 2/20/98 - ACT TWO 25. 28 CONTINUED: VIC Why the long face, buddy-boy? ODO You still haven't told me what I'm supposed to do about Kira and Shakaar. VIC Shakaar? Forget about that fink -- I'll bet he doesn't look half as good in a tux as you do. ODO What difference does that make? VIC You've been coming here every night for a week. Have I steered you wrong? ODO No. VIC Then trust your Uncle Vic. Before Odo can say another word, Vic turns back to the crowd. VIC Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special surprise for you tonight. If this babe doesn't raise your temperature, you'd better check the obituary column, because chances are, you're in it, pallie. Let's have a nice warm round of applause for Miss Lola Chrystal. Suddenly the house lights go black. 29 NEW ANGLE As a spotlight cuts through the dark, silhouetting the shapely back of a sexy, chanteuse. As the MUSIC FLARES, the singer turns to face the light and we see her face. Her name might be Lola Chrystal, but her face is a dead ringer for Kira Nerys. As she launches into the torchy BALLAD "Fever" --