DEEP SPACE NINE: "His Way" - REV. 2/20/98 - ACT ONE 11. 11 INT. HOLOSUITE/LAS VEGAS LOUNGE - NIGHT Odo and Vic are seated at a table near the stage. Nobody else is in the lounge and the chairs have been turned over onto the tables. Vic has taken his tuxedo jacket off and hung it over his chair. He's sipping a drink. Odo looks very uncomfortable; he can't help feeling that maybe it was a mistake to come here. VIC I remember back in... must've been fifty-eight, I was playing the Sands. One night, Frank and Dean dropped by and we ended up taking over one of the blackjack tables. Between the three of us, we must've dropped fifteen big ones -- and believe me, back then that wasn't chump change. So, Frankie goes over to the pit boss, what was his name -- ODO (interrupting) Look, Mister Fontaine VIC (correcting him) Vic. ODO Vic. These are all very interesting stories, but I didn't come here to reminisce about your past. (a beat) Yesterday, when my friends and I were here... you seemed to know things. VIC (modestly) I've been around the block a couple of times. ODO I mean specific things. For instance, you knew that Dax and Worf were married and that the chief missed his wife.