DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT FIVE 51. 45 CONTINUED: SISKO That's what you planned to do all along. You knew the data-rod wouldn't hold up to scrutiny, you just wanted to get him on the station so you could plant a bomb on his shuttle. GARAK It wasn't quite that simple. I did have hopes that the rod would somehow pass inspection. But I suspected that Tolar may not have been up to the task. SISKO What about Tolar? Did you kill him too? GARAK Think of them both as tragic victims of war. Sisko throws a punch, Garak blocks, but Sisko follows up and lands another blow to Garak's face, rocking him back, but not flooring him. GARAK If you can allow your anger to subside for a moment, you'll see that they did not die in vain -- the Romulans will enter the war. Sisko glares at him, his fury just barely restrained. SISKO There's no guarantee of that.