190:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT FOUR 47 38 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) (beat) But this time, the cost of failure was so high, that I found it hard to follow his advice. 39 INT. CORRIDOR Sisko is walking through the empty Corridor. SISKO (V.O.) If Vreenak discovered the data-rod was a forgery, if he realized that we were trying to trick them into war, it could push the Romulans even farther into the enemy camp. They could start to openly help the Dominion. If worse came to worst, they could actually join the war against us. I had the distinct feeling that victory or defeat would be decided in the next few minutes. Sisko pauses outside the door for a moment, takes a deep breath, and then EXITS to... 40 INT. WARDROOM - CONTINUOUS As Sisko ENTERS. Vreenak is already here, his face carefully neutral, giving no hint as to what he's found. He stares at Sisko for a long moment... then finally he lets his true feelings show. VREENAK (furious) It's a fake. Off the stricken look on Sisko's face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR