DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT THREE 28B. 18B CONTINUED: SISKO How do you know it's genuine? GARAK I trust the source, but rest assured I will confirm the rod's authenticity before I make payment -- which brings me to you. SISKO How much does he want? GARAK I'm afraid he's not interested in latinum. The gentleman in question has requested to be compensated with two hundred liters of bio-memetic gel. SISKO (surprised) What? GARAK I don't know why, exactly. One would assume that it has something to do with genetic experimentation. SISKO Offer him something else. GARAK Believe me, I wouldn't be relaying this request if I thought he'd accept anything else. SISKO Bio-memetic gel is strictly controlled by the Federation and not for sale at any price. Find someone else willing to sell us a rod.