DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT THREE 27. 17 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK Well... let's start with replacing my clothes... and M'Pella's clothes. SISKO All right. QUARK I'm not finished. I think I should also be compensated for the loss of business I've suffered today, which I would calculate as no less than five bars of gold- pressed latinum. SISKO (grudging) Done. QUARK I'm also having a problem with station security -- they're holding some cargo containers I've been waiting for because of some kind of... missing import license or something. SISKO I'll handle it. Anything else? Quark looks at him with a satisfied grin. QUARK No. I think we can call it a bribe. And thank you, captain. Thank you for restoring my faith in the ninety-eighth Rule of Acquisition: "Every man has his price." Sisko gets up and heads for Odo just as Garak ENTERS the bar from the Promenade. SISKO (to Odo) He's dropped the charges.