DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT THREE 25. 17 CONTINUED: SISKO He's no friend of mine. (beat, then sotto) But... he is working for me. It's an extremely sensitive matter involving Federation security. I can't afford to have any record of him being on the station. ODO I see. (beat) I'm certainly aware of the need for special security measures during wartime... but as a matter of law, if Quark chooses to press charges against Tolar, I have no choice but to make an arrest. SISKO Let me speak to Quark. Sisko moves over to where Bashir is scanning Quark with a tricorder. A medkit is sitting on a nearby table. SISKO (to Bashir) How is he? QUARK (re: blood) How do I look? I'm a man who just had a brush with death