143:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT TWO 21. 15 CONTINUED: TOLAR I can't tell you how grateful I am, captain. The Klingons were going to execute me tomorrow. Of course, they say that every day -- one of the little games they like to play. There's that laugh. SISKO You do understand the terms of your parole? TOLAR Oh, yes. I have to promise to stay away from the Klingon Empire. (laugh) That'll be tough. (laugh) And I have to create some kind of "special" holo-program for you. (laugh) I can't wait. I've never worked for Starfleet before. SISKO Let's be very clear about this -- you're not working for Starfleet. This entire matter is strictly off the record. As far as you're concerned, you're working for me. TOLAR Oh. Oh, I see. This is a personal matter. (laugh, then leering) Something "special." For your eyes only. Something with... perhaps, five or six Orion slave girls and-- SISKO (stands) I suggest you go wait in your quarters. Mister Garak will provide you with all the information you need. The fun all disappears from Tolar's demeanor and he shrinks back in his chair.