151:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT TWO 18. 12 INT. GARAK'S SHOP As before. SISKO I'm listening. Garak holds his eyes for a beat, then picks up a PADD and hands it to Sisko. 13 ON PADD - INSERT The PADD has a PHOTO of a Romulan Senator -- VREENAK. GARAK'S VOICE His name is Vreenak. He's been a key member of the Romulan Senate for the past fourteen years. 14 RESUME GARAK (continuing) He's Secretary of the War Plans Council, Vice-Chairman of the Tal Shiar, and one of the most trusted advisors to Proconsul Neral. SISKO He's also the man who negotiated the non-aggression pact with the Dominion. GARAK Since you're familiar with him, I'll skip the rest of his biography. What's important is that he continues to be one of the most ardently pro-Dominion voices in the Senate. If we can convince him that the Dominion is a threat, the rest of the Senate will follow. SISKO Okay. How?