DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT ONE 10. 5 CONTINUED: GARAK (Cont'd) Your faith in my ability to retrieve classified information from my former homeland is most gratifying. SISKO I'm happy that you're happy. Now, can you do it? Garak pauses for a moment, then shifts gears. GARAK You know, I had assumed this meeting was about the modifications I suggested for your new dress uniform -- you have had an opportunity to look over my design, haven't you? The new piping along the collar, the exaggerated cut of the jacket hemline emphasizing the-- SISKO Mister Garak. Let's dispense with the usual repartee and concentrate on the issue at hand. Can you do the job or not? Garak sits back and considers Sisko with a cold eye as something icy and unpleasant comes over his features. GARAK No one wants to see the Dominion destroyed more than I do. But asking me to go to Cardassia Prime, penetrate one of the most heavily guarded facilities in the quadrant, steal top secret war plans and then return them safely to you is not just another "job." It's more like a suicide mission and that is well outside my field of expertise. SISKO I didn't say you had to go there yourself. I have to believe that a man like you still has a few contacts back home. A colleague from the Obsidian Order...