15:[2,#b],101:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "In the Pale... " - REV. 2/11/98 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 4 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko is pacing, thinking out loud and using Dax as a sounding board. SISKO It's in their own best interest to join the war -- that's the key, that's the reason the Romulans will finally take action. Not to do us any favors, but to protect themselves from the Dominion. DAX Okay. Let's say I'm the Romulan Proconsol. From where I'm sitting, the Dominion isn't a threat to me. I have a nonaggression pact with them. They're my allies. SISKO You're not going to put your faith in some piece of paper are you? DAX Not at all. I've been watching the Dominion very closely since the beginning of the war. And so far, they've kept their part of the bargain. The tone here starts getting more heated -- they're both pushing their roles and their arguments as hard as they can. SISKO They're violating your territory almost every day -- what kind of an ally is that? DAX So they're crossing through my backyard to give the Federation a bloody nose. I can't say that makes me very sad.