DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 41A CONTINUED: BASHIR Take your time. I don't seem to be going anywhere. SLOAN I'm glad to see your sense of humor returning. That's a very good sign. BASHIR Of what? SLOAN That you're beginning to relax... Off the tricorder -- SLOAN We had to subject you to high levels of stress to ensure accurate test results. (smiling) And I'm glad to say the results are in your favor. Sloan closes the tricorder and hands it to one of the guards. SLOAN Your loyalty to the Federation appears to be above reproach. BASHIR Do I still detect a note of doubt in your voice? SLOAN Frankly, I would've preferred to have kept you under observation a little longer. (shaking his head) Unfortunately, we didn't know about Chief O'Brien's injury or we would've incorporated it into the program. Bashir's mind races ahead, trying to sort everything out.