DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 38 OMITTED 39 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The ship is CLOAKED -- on the VIEWSCREEN, stars shoot by at WARP. Supernumeraries man the essential stations. As Bashir ENTERS with Kira and Worf, O'Brien is conferring with Sisko, who sits in the captain's chair. Dax is at the Conn. As soon as Sisko sees Bashir, he swivels in the chair to face him, his expression somber. SISKO I suppose you have a perfectly reasonable explanation for why the Dominion broke you out of that holding cell. BASHIR I realize how it must look, sir. SISKO (carefully) What did they want, doctor? BASHIR Weyoun tried to convince me that I was his operative. I think he and Sloan are working together. Bashir is hoping the captain will see this possibility, but instead, the accusation brings an angry Sisko to his feet -- SISKO That's enough. You're not going to exonerate yourself by casting suspicions on someone else. BASHIR Maybe he's not a traitor, maybe he's been replaced by a changeling. All I know is that he and Weyoun are trying to frame me. WORF (hard) You have run out of excuses, doctor. BASHIR (to all) I'm innocent -- you have to believe me.