176:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 39. 29 CONTINUED: (2) Chandler steps to the forcefield control panel. She flips the control and the FORCEFIELD FRITZES OFF. Doctor Bashir stands fast. Kagan approaches with the manacles. KAGAN (to Bashir) Please place your hands in front of you. The LIGHTS in the cell suddenly DIM. Before they can react, Bashir is ENVELOPED BY A TRANSPORTER BEAM. SLOAN (shocked) He's beaming out! Stop him! Chandler and Kagan raise their weapons, but they're too late. 30 thru OMITTED 30A 30B A TRANSPORTER BEAM (OPTICAL) As Bashir's startled countenance DEMATERIALIZES. 31 INT. CARDASSIAN SHIP - OFFICE (OPTICAL) as Bashir MATERIALIZES. The room is well-appointed, and through the WINDOW, stars flash by at WARP. Bashir finds himself looking straight into the smiling face of WEYOUN. WEYOUN Good evening, Doctor. BASHIR Weyoun... ? Bashir looks around, trying to orient himself. An N.D. CARDASSIAN guards one side of the door, an N.D. JEM'HADAR the other. WEYOUN Welcome home. And on Bashir's look of shock and disbelief, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE