DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 38A. 29 CONTINUED: BASHIR Where's Captain Sisko? Does he know about this? SLOAN It's none of his concern. Not anymore. BASHIR (alarmed) You have no right to do this. SLOAN Oh, but I do... Sloan holds out his hand, which Chandler fills with a PADD. SLOAN (reads from PADD) Starfleet Special Order Six-Six- Seven-One-Five, gives me authority to neutralize security threats to Deep Space Nine by "whatever means necessary." (to Bashir) Doctor, you're about to spend the rest of this war in a maximum security cell. Unless... Sloan holds his hand out and Chandler hands him another PADD, which he extends toward Bashir. SLOAN ... you'd care to add your thumbprint to this confession. (off Bashir's outraged stare) We can reword it if it doesn't meet your exacting standards. A beat as Bashir stares angrily at his tormentor. Then -- BASHIR You can take your confession and toss it out the nearest airlock. SLOAN (grim smile) I thought so. (to Chandler) Take him to the shuttle.