DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 36. 27 CONTINUED: (6) Sloan plays this delicately, picking up on the unresolved dynamic between Bashir and Sisko, aware that heavy-handed grilling will demolish his work. SLOAN That's right, he did. But why? (to Bashir) What made you confess, Doctor? Was it because you realized it was your duty to be honest with your captain? Bdshir is ashamed of deceiving Sisko, and he knows it won't make him look good, but telling the truth is the only honor he can salvage from that event in his life. BASHIR (quietly) No. SLOAN Was it because you felt guilty about having lied to him for so long? BASHIR (even more quietly) No. SLOAN Then why did you come forward? BASHIR (shattered) Because I'd been found out. SLOAN (softly) And if you hadn't been found out? Would you have come forward and told your captain the truth... ever? Bashir can't honestly say he would've... BASHIR I don't know. Sloan pauses, allowing the full weight of this revelation to settle on Sisko's shoulders. SLOAN I see.