19:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT THREE 34. 27 CONTINUED: (4) SLOAN (sardonic) How to win the war? You recommended that the Federation surrender! Bashir realizes Sloan has led him into a trap, angrily defends himself -- BASHIR We were looking for a way to save as many lives as we could. If you'd take the time to examine our findings -- Sloan tosses the PADD aside and turns to Sisko. SLOAN Captain, you took the time to examine their findings, didn't you? SISKO (uneasy) I did. SLOAN Did you agree with them? Sisko shifts uncomfortably in his seat. This was a painful and still unresolved source of conflict between himself and his chief medical officer. SISKO No. SLOAN Of course not. No loyal Starfleet officer could. Sloan's case is beginning to chip away at Sisko's certainty about Bashir's innocence -- though he continues to defend him, he doesn't have the same level of conviction we saw earlier. SISKO I won't deny that Doctor Bashir has made some... (choosing his words carefully) -- questionable decisions in his career, but you're a long way from convincing me he's a traitor.