DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: SLOAN Let's go back to the time you spent with the Dominion. BASHIR I wasn't "with the Dominion." I was their prisoner. Sloan almost seems to enjoy Bashir's edginess. SLOAN You were held at Internment Camp Three-Seven-One? BASHIR Yes. SLOAN Barracks Six? BASHIR Correct. SLOAN And you were there five weeks? BASHIR Thirty-seven days, actually. SLOAN Are you absolutely sure? BASHIR Yes. SLOAN (reads PADD) And General Martok was with you in Barracks Six? BASHIR That's right. SLOAN (picks up another PADD) He said that the Jem'Hadar removed you from the barracks.