12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 21 INT. WARDROOM as Chandler and Kagan escort Bashir into the room. Sloan is at the replicator, withdrawing a CUP of coffee, his jacket now closed -- the picture of a spit- and-polish officer. He ignores Bashir's entrance. In a maneuver that the internal affairs team has practiced to well-oiled perfection, Chandler guides the doctor to a chair while Kagan takes a position near the wall behind him. The second everyone has settled in place, Sloan turns to face Bashir. SLOAN Did you get your breakfast, doctor? Sloan comes to a stop on the opposite side of the table and smiles expectantly at Bashir. Bashir senses Sloan is waiting for him to complain about the gag'h, and refuses to give him the satisfaction. BASHIR Yes, I did. Sloan studies him for another beat, then nods. SLOAN Good. Sloan sits down on the edge of the Wardroom table, effectively maintaining a dominant position relative to the seated Bashir. He picks up one of the many PADDS arrayed on the table and studies it while sipping his coffee. SLOAN I was going over my notes from our last conversation and there are a few things I'd like you to clarify. BASHIR Oh? SLOAN Do you have a problem with that? BASHIR Not at all.