DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: BASHIR Certainly. 11 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR as Chandler and Bashir ENTER and start down the corridor. BASHIR Where are we going? CHANDLER To the wardroom. Director Sloan wants to ask you some questions. They round a corner, and suddenly, from the intersecting corridor, comes the SOUND of rushing FOOTSTEPS. STARFLEET SECURITY VOICE (O.S.) Stand clear -- Chandler grabs Bashir by the shoulder and shoves him over to the wall, clearing the path for -- 12 THREE STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE GUARDS who run past with RIFLES at the ready. Bashir watches them hustle down the corridor and around a corner, out of sight. BASHIR What's going on? CHANDLER Nothing you need to worry about, sir. Bashir finds her explanation less than satisfactory, but clearly she intends to say no more. CHANDLER This way. With a last glance down the corridor through which the guards disappeared, Bashir starts away, his features troubled. 13 INT. WARDROOM as the door OPENS and Chandler escorts Bashir into the room.