DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR I'm going to a medical conference, not on a vacation. O'BRIEN Whatever you say. BASHIR (at the door) Remember -- listen to the river... and stay away. And with that, Bashir EXITS. Off O'Brien as he tests the pain in his shoulder... to his relief, he can use his arm fairly normally... 3 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 4 OMITTED 4A INT. BASHIR'S BEDROOM Bashir is asleep in bed when the Computer wakes him. COMPUTER VOICE The time is oh-seven hundred hours. Bashir groans, rolls over and opens his eyes. He idly scratches behind his right ear. (NOTE: This seemingly innocent gesture will eventually pay off in Act Five.) His eyes are bleary and he feels as if he just fell asleep. BASHIR (unable to believe it) You're joking. Computer, confirm time. COMPUTER VOICE The time is oh-seven-hundred hours, twenty-three seconds. Bashir swings himself to a sitting position and yawns. Then he shakes his head, trying to clear it. BASHIR Something tells me I'm going to need a lot of raktajino today.