DEEP SPACE NINE: "Inquisition" - REV. 1/29/98 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir leads O'Brien over to the bio-bed. As he scans him with a TRICORDER -- BASHIR (scolding him) You promised me you wouldn't go kayaking again until your shoulder had a chance to heal. O'BRIEN (chastened) I know. But I can't stay away. (trying to explain himself) It's like the river calls to me. BASHIR That's right. It's saying, "Stay away. Don't come near me. I'll only hurt you more!" Before O'Brien can protest, Bashir wrenches his shoulder back into place -- we hear a POPPING SOUND and O'Brien lets out a howl of pain. A moment, then he lets out a relieved breath and gingerly tests his shoulder. O'BRIEN Much better. Bashir gives him a HYPO to the shoulder -- BASHIR It'll be tender for a few days so go easy on it. O'BRIEN Right. Bashir starts getting his things together so he can leave -- BASHIR If the pain starts to get any worse, Nurse Bandee can give you something. O'BRIEN Thanks, Julian. Have a good time on Casperia.