DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 82 ANOTHER SECTION OF CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as Kira and Basso arrive at the door to Gul Dukat's quarters. The guard at the door scans Basso, then turns to Kira. A tense moment as the guard scans Kira from head to toe -- or rather, toe to head. A poker-faced Kira awaits the result. After a beat, the guard steps aside and waves them inside. 83 INT. DUKAT'S QUARTERS The doors OPEN, allowing Kira and Basso to ENTER. Dukat and Meru are seated, finishing their dinner. MERU I didn't expect to see you again. KIRA I came because I owe you an apology. Those things I said... they were unfair. (a beat) I'd like us to be friends again. MERU (smiles) So would I. Meru looks over to Dukat to make sure it's okay. Dukat would rather not encourage this friendship, but he doesn't want to deny Meru what she wants -- at least not yet. DUKAT (pleasant, hiding the edge) Whatever pleases you, my dear. Meru gets up and goes over to Kira and embraces her warmly. This is very difficult for Kira, but she knows she has to play out the role; she hugs her mother back. MERU Can I get you something? KIRA Maybe later.