DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 69 CONTINUED: HALB Whatever you can remember will be helpful. Quarters, corridors, meeting rooms... KIRA Why? What are you planning? HALB That doesn't concern you. Now are you going to help us or not? But before Kira can answer, there's a voice from off screen -- BASSO (O.S.) You. Kira turns to see -- 70 ANGLE ON BASSO flanked by his ubiquitous Cardassian guards. BASSO (to Kira) Follow me. And off Kira's surprised and suspicious reaction, we go to -- 71 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Kira, escorted by the Cardassian guards, follows Basso through the corridor of the Cardassian section of the station. They stop in front of a familiar double door, where TWO MORE CARDASSIAN GUARDS are posted. The door scanner scans Kira's body. Satisfied that she's not concealing any weapons, the guards step aside to let her pass. BASSO (to Kira) You may enter.