DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT THREE 42. 56 CONTINUED: (2) The other Cardassian settles the matter by smacking her in the kidney with the butt of her rifle. Kira hits the ground, writhing in pain. CUT TO: 57 THRU OMITTED 61 62 INT. PROMENADE/BAJORAN GHETTO Basso opens the locked gate to the ghetto and a half- conscious Kira is flung inside. She gets to her hands and knees and looks up to see -- 63 KIRA'S POV of Basso locking the gate behind her and then walking away with the two guards. 64 ON KIRA as she forces herself to her feet. Kira reaches for the gate, but the pain in her side is too great and she slumps back to the floor. Kira looks around -- 65 KIRA'S POV of the BAJORAN WORKERS, huddled together in small groups, sleeping the sleep of the damned.