13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT THREE 34. ACT THREE FADE IN: 49 INT. WARDROOM Later. A party for the high-ranking Cardassians is in full swing. The officers are drinking and laughing with some of the Bajoran comfort women. Most of the women are doing their best to be accommodating; they know that to resist the drunken kisses and the wandering hands is to invite severe punishment. CAMERA COMES TO REST on Kira and Meru, who stand in a corner looking at the activities swirling around them. Kira clutches a bottle of kanar; it's uncertain if she intends to pour drinks or clobber the first Cardassian to come within range. Meru, though distressed by what she's witnessing, keeps looking down at her elegant clothes, smiling. KIRA Would you mind telling me what you're smiling about? MERU The Prophets. I never realized they had such a sense of humor. When I was a child, I would dream of having enough food to eat and pretty clothes to wear. (looking down at herself) And now, look at me... I have everything I ever wanted... (smiling at the irony) ... and I feel horrible. Kira smiles. KIRA It is kind of funny... in a horrible sort of way. MERU I suppose if I can survive starvation, I can survive this... Kira looks at her mother with newfound respect.