DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT TWO 30. 42 CONTINUED: BASSO (Cont'd) (he lets that sink in for a moment) Now remember -- you're all easily replaceable. Make one mistake and I won't hesitate to -- DUKAT (O.S.) (cutting him off) Basso! They all turn to see -- 43 ANGLE ON THE DOOR Dukat steps into the room. DUKAT Enough. Dukat walks over to the line of women and offers them a warm smile. (Note: this is Dukat thirty years ago and he should look slightly different. This Dukat also has no knowledge of Kira Nerys and thus pays her no special attention.) DUKAT Welcome to Terok Nor. I hope your stay here will be a pleasant one. I assure you, I will do everything possible to make it so. I suspect that many of you must be feeling a bit uneasy right now... I'm well aware that among the Bajoran population there's a perception that all Cardassians are to be feared -- that we're a cruel and heartless race. I hope to dispel that myth, not with words, but with actions, in the hope that you will come to appreciate the better part of our nature.