DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT TWO 29. 41A CONTINUED: (3) MERU Why do you keep doing that? KIRA What? MERU Helping me. First, at the refugee center and now here... KIRA I don't have many friends. MERU (smiling) Well, you have one now. Kira smiles, grateful in ways her mother can never know. And off this moment -- CUT TO: 42 INT. WARDROOM The next day. Kira and Meru, clean and dressed to the nines, are lined up for inspection along with four other Bajoran women, equally well-dressed -- think high- class dabo girls. Kira has styled Meru's hair in such a way that the scar is cleverly concealed. BASSO (pleased) Well done. I can hardly believe that you're the same women I met yesterday. (a beat) In fact -- you're not. Your old lives have ended. Your pasts have been erased. You have one purpose and one purpose only: to provide comfort and care to the Cardassian officers stationed here. Do that well, and you'll want for nothing. Fail, and you and your family will be sent to a labor camp.