DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT TWO 23. 30 CONTINUED: (2) Little Nerys giggles happily, blissfully unaware of the strange nature of the encounter. VOICE (O.S.) Attention! They turn to see -- 31 ANOTHER ANGLE as BASSO TROMAC, a Bajoran collaborator working with the Cardassians, stands flanked by TWO CARDASSIAN GUARDS. Basso carries several sacks of food. BASSO The new Cardassian Ore Processing Center orbiting Bajor is nearing completion. Basso walks around the barracks studying the women. BASSO The Cardassian troops stationed there will require "comfort women" to make their tour of duty less... stressful. Basso points to a young woman standing beside her husband. BASSO Her. One of the guards seizes the woman from her husband. Before the husband can protest, Basso shoves one of the baskets of food into his arms. BASSO (to the husband) As of now, you'll receive extra rations of food and medicine. Courtesy of our Prefect, Gul Dukat. Basso turns and notices Meru. BASSO Her.