DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT TWO 22. 29 CONTINUED: TABAN Thank you. I wish we could repay your kindness somehow... but we have so little food. KIRA It's all right. I'm not hungry. MERU (surprised) I can't remember the last time I met a Bajoran that wasn't hungry... (to Kira, smiling) I'm Kira Meru. Kira looks at her mother, not sure what to say. She can't believe she's standing this close to her. KIRA I'm... I'm just glad I could help. Kira and her mother touch hands; it's a charged moment. MERU This is my husband, Taban. Our sons, Reon and Pohl, and our daughter, Nerys. Kira smiles at all the children, but her eyes light up as she looks at little Nerys. KIRA They're beautiful... Kira fights back the tears as she gazes upon her long, lost family. 30 ON LITTLE NERYS as she whispers something into her mother's ear. MERU My daughter wants to know your name. KIRA Me? (a beat) I'm Luma Rahl.