DEEP SPACE NINE: "Wrongs... " - REV. 1/20/98 - ACT ONE 17. 12 EXT. BAJOR - MATTE SHOT - DAY (STOCK) Establishing a large city on the planet. 13 INT. TEMPLE OF IPONU - DAY A VEDEK walks Kira, dressed in civilian clothing, to an orb box, then ceremoniously EXITS. 14 ANGLE ON KIRA (OPTICAL) as she stands there preparing herself for her journey. After a beat, she opens the box doors and is immediately bathed in orb light -- FADE TO WHITE. 15 OMITTED 16 INT. SINGHA REFUGEE CENTER - BARRACKS - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Kira finds herself seated against the wall of a crowded, chaotic refugee center. Kira is now wearing clothing similar to what the other refugees are wearing. She stands up and looks around -- 17 KIRA'S POV Bajoran families are huddled together over their meager belongings. These are tired, undernourished, sleep- deprived people. It is not a pleasant sight.