DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 64 CLOSE ON DAX'S HAND as it suddenly tightens around Worf's hand. 65 RESUME As Dax slowly wakes up and looks up at her husband. DAX Hey... I know you... WORF We've met. She manages a weak smile and looks around. DAX You're joking again... that must be a good sign. Did you... make the rendezvous? WORF No. (beat) I couldn't leave you there. Not for Lasaran or the mission or anything else. DAX Lasaran? WORF Dead. There's a beat as Dax takes that in -- she's sad and touched at the same time. DAX Are you in trouble? WORF (shrugs it off) I've been in trouble before. DAX I'm so sorry. I should've kept going... WORF You have nothing to be sorry about.