DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 50. 55 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (quiet) It's been a good two months, hasn't it? WORF (quiet) Yes... (his heart breaking) Jadzia... I want to tell you how much you've -- DAX Worf. Just kiss me and go. He gives her a passionate, loving kiss... then pulls himself away... draws himself up straight, his emotions churning and then grabs his rifle, turns and plunges into the jungle. STAY ON WORF as he heads away from the clearing, a fierce, wild-eyed expression on his face... DISSOLVE TO: 56 WORF'S FACE - JUNGLE #22 - DAY as he hacks his way through the underbrush with a rage and ferocity we seldom see displayed so nakedly on his face. DISSOLVE TO: 57 WORF'S FACE - JUNGLE #23 - DAY still going through the jungle. We begin to HEAR his HEART BEATING... and he glances back behind him for the first time. DISSOLVE TO: 58 WORF'S FACE - JUNGLE #24 - DAY The heartbeat is LOUDER... his trek through the jungle becoming more angry, less focused on forward momentum and more focused on the destruction of the brush. DISSOLVE TO: