DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 34. 33 CONTINUED: (5) O'BRIEN You lost. BASHIR What happened to "we?" O'BRIEN "We" weren't mooning over lost love with a Ferengi who was holding a total monopoly. Bashir realizes what O'Brien is getting at -- BASHIR Are you saying all that talk about Dax was meant to distract me? O'BRIEN Obviously. Bashir shakes his head in dismay, looks up at his friend sheepishly... BASHIR I can't believe I let him get to me... O'Brien can't bring himself to hold it against his friend... O'BRIEN It's not your fault. Genetically engineered or not, you're still "Hew-mon." BASHIR I guess... They share a smile. O'BRIEN Come on, Let's go get a drink. Off the two old friends as they stand and head toward the bar... CUT TO: