DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 30. 33 INT. QUARK'S A few hours later. Bashir has taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. Three of the N.D. Ferengi have dropped out of the game and are watching from the sidelines along with O'Brien. Bashir and Quark have the biggest piles of money left on the table and it's quickly becoming a two-man game. Quark is dealing the cards. Bashir only glances at his hand, then puts it down. BASHIR Buy at three hundred and sell at three fifty. He spins the wheel and when it finally stops, the last N.D. throws down his cards in disgust and gets up from the table. Quark isn't fazed at all. QUARK You're a quick study, doctor, I'll give you that. BASHIR You mean quick for a "Hew-mon," don't you, Quark? QUARK I would never say something so distasteful during a game. BASHIR You'd wait until it was over. QUARK Of course. Evade. He spins the wheel and then deals two more cards for each of them. QUARK Dax was a quick study too. She told me it only took her two weeks to win her first match -- that's practically unheard of. BASHIR Dax specializes in the unexpected. I'm still buying at three hundred, selling at four hundred and I'd like to index the margin at twenty percent.