144:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 28. 30 CONTINUED: (2) DAX The funny thing is, you probably are. They head off into the jungle... CUT TO: 31 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the station. 32 INT. QUARK'S Bashir and O'Brien are standing in front of the tongo table, where another game was about to begin. O'Brien is carrying a small CASE. Quark and the same four N.D. Ferengi seen earlier are looking up at them with incredulous expressions. QUARK This is a Ferengi-only game, gentlemen. O'BRIEN You let Dax play. QUARK She's an exception -- the only exception. BASHIR Afraid I'll clean you out? QUARK I'm afraid you'll embarrass yourself and ruin the game for the rest of us. BASHIR I think I can keep up. The question is, can you keep up with me? QUARK Don't try to scare me with that gentically engineered intellect of yours, doctor.