DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 22. 16 CONTINUED: DAX That's what we want. The Dominion sensor grid in this system has three gaps -- and they're all in that asteroid field. As they work... 17 EXT-SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The ship is now dodging and weaving through the ASTEROID FIELD. 18 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As before. The ship is twisting and turning violently as Dax pilots them through the field and the view out the window shows ASTEROIDS looming up and then sliding away again. They have a VERY CLOSE miss with a large asteroid and then Dax glances over at Worf, who's leaning forward in his seat and hanging onto the console tightly. DAX Want me to slow down? WORF (surprised) No. Unless... you think you should? DAX Not at all. (beat) In fact... I could go faster. She glances at him again and he gives her an eager smile. DAX (pleased) A man after my own heart. She works the panel and their speed increases. Worf and Dax both look out the window with predatory smiles, enjoying the adrenaline.