30:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 19. 14 CONTINUED: BASHIR And that someone is you? O'BRIEN Why not? BASHIR Well, for one thing you can't play tongo. Confront. He lays down his cards and O'Brien reacts in frustration. O'BRIEN Damn! BASHIR Had enough? O'BRIEN Not by a long shot. BASHIR Miles, at this rate you won't be ready to take on Quark for another twenty years. O'BRIEN (undeterred) One more. O'Brien begins gathering and shuffling the cards once more. BASHIR Why are you so determined to beat Quark? O'BRIEN It's the challenge. BASHIR That's it? The challenge? O'BRIEN That's enough. Why do you think I became an engineer? It's the challenge.