DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: WORF ESH-ta PAR-mach-KAI!! (to O'Brien) I like my bloodwine very young and very sweet. But the game's not quite over. QUARK Is he a friend of yours? DAX Just a fan. Dax begins to rake in her winnings, but Quark stops her. QUARK I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint all your fans. He lays down the cards. DAX (oh, no) A Full Consortium. O'BRIEN Two hundred and seven. (to Worf) Single malt. Preferably something from the Highlands. WORF I'll need some time. O'BRIEN Your credit's good. Worf heads for the Tongo table, where the game has now broken up. Quark is carrying off his winnings and the other Ferengi are EXITING. Stay on O'Brien for a beat as he shakes his head in admiration and disbelief. O'BRIEN Two hundred and seven games... 3A ON WORF AND DAX As Worf approaches.