13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 22 INT. TAVERN - DAY (VPB) The Bolian bartender is setting up the bar before it opens. O'Brien and Krole are working at the COM-BOOTH as Bilby and Flith look on anxiously. Krole is plugged in via his DATAPORT, and O'Brien is working the com- unit's control panel. On the MONITOR we see the LOGO of the Bank of Bolias. KROLE (eyes closed) All right. I've accessed the Bank's data files. On the MONITOR we see a tangle of encrypted DATA. O'BRIEN (working keypad) I'm reading a three-tier security protocol. KROLE I see it. We zoom toward the data and it becomes a kind of matrix... O'BRIEN Looks like an isolation matrix is protecting the data. You'll have to bypass the encryption lockouts. KROLE You make it sound so easy. On the SCREEN, we seem to swoop atop the matrix... O'BRIEN Watch out for recursive dataloops, you don't want to get diverted into a backflow. We break past the matrix into another data-nest... KROLE I'm past the lockouts. O'BRIEN Sweep the matrix... give me an access point...