DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT TWO 27. 18 CONTINUED: (2) BILBY I'd like to be there. I hope I can get away. As Bilby ruminates on this possibility, O'Brien cautiously tries to get more information. O'BRIEN How'd you manage to get to someone in Starfleet? BILBY It wasn't me, it was Raimus. (thinking of it) Do you want to come to New Sydney with me -- meet my family? O'BRIEN If you go, sure. (beat) How did he do it? BILBY Why all the questions? O'BRIEN Nothing. It's just hard to believe someone in Starfleet could be bought. It makes me wonder if he's a double-agent. BILBY A double-agent? Then why would he have given us the names of all their undercover operatives? O'Brien shrugs to concede the point... BILBY Don't worry, he's the real thing. Raimus met him when he was vacationing on Risa last year. Mister Starfleet was in charge of the weather control system. (smiling at the thought) Raimus offered him a very substantial amount of money to make it stop raining.